
Results 46 - 60 of 191

Upright shrub to 3 m tall x 2 m wide - attractive grey green foliage - pink brushes in flushes throughout the year - frost resistant.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Shrub to 3 m - stiff broad dark green leaves - clear pink brushes in Su - frost resistant.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Grows into a dense 3 m tall shrub - green foliage with colourful pink new growth - clusters of bright pink bottlebrushes in Sp - tolerant of light frost.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Weeping Bottlebrush - Ornamental tree/shrub to 10 m - pendulous green foliage - red bottlebrushes in Sp - tolerant of heavy soils and frosts.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Christmas Bush - erect shrub to 2 m - glossy green trifoliate leaves with pink new growth - the terminal sprays of white starry flrs in Sp are followed by a show of deep red calyces at Christmas time - light frost only
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
N.S.W. Christmas Bush - upright shrub to 5m - green trifoliate leaves with brilliant red new growth - small white flrs in Sp, the bracts of which turn red at Christmas time - moderate frosts only.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Geraldton Wax - Fast growing open shrub to 3m - fine foliage - pink flrs in Sp - moderate frosts only.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Geraldton Wax - Fast growing open shrub to 3m - fine foliage - white flrs in Sp - moderate frosts only.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Heart leaf flame pea - a showy plant growing to 1 m - heart shaped green leaves with toothed margins - brightly coloured pink, orange & yellow pea flrs during Sp - half shade or full sun - light frosts only - tolerates lime.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Finger Limes are rainforest plants from northern NSW & southern Qld. that are grown as far south as the Victorian Mornington Peninsula. Trees may grow from 2 metres to 10 metres, so be prepared to prune to your desired size. They are thorny and produce fruit similar in size and shape to a finger. The fruit coloured from green to dark brown has a thin skin, and contains juice vesicles now known by chefs as "lime caviar". They taste like a lime with some mandarin overtones. It is grown much like other citrus species with regular watering and feeding.
Tuesday, 14 May 2013 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
White correa - shrub to 1m - soft round grey leaves - white star like flrs in Sp - frost resistant.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
White correa - shrub to 0.3m - soft round grey leaves - white star like flrs in Sp - frost resistant.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Chef's Hat Correa - rounded plant reaching 1.5 m - dark glossy green leaves - green flrs shaped like chef's hat in Wi - tolerant of shade and frost.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Hardy shrub to 2m - small oval leaves - red bell shaped pink flrs from Au to Sp - frost tolerant.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail
Low spreading shrub reaching 30 cm high x 2 m wide - dark green oval leaves - erect tubular red flrs with yellow tips most of the year - sun or part shade - frost resistant.
Monday, 06 August 2012 | Print | PDF |  E-mail

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